Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with Experience and Compassion
The goal of our treatments is to give balance to the mind and body. Our treatments can strengthen the immune system, boost energy, clear the mind to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality.
Over 40 years of experience in treating both acute and chronic conditions. With compassion and care, we have successfully treated the following conditions:
acid reflux chronic fatigue infertility otitis media
acne colitis insomnia plantar fasciitis
allergies common cold irritable bowel syndrome poison oak
anxiety digestive issues kidney stone pain sciatica
arthritis facial paralysis knee pain shingles pain
asthma fatigue (if medical check-ups find no issue) lumbar degenerative disc sports injuries
back pain fibromyalgia lyme disease stress reduction
carpal tunnel foot/leg pain menopausal syndrome tennis/golfer’s elbow
celiac disease headaches/migraines menstrual cramps TMJ
chronic cough post-stroke hemiplegia neck pain/whiplash trigeminal neuralgia
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with Experience and Compassion
How Does Acupuncture Work
In Chinese medicine, diseases or illnesses are caused by a blockage or unbalanced energy (qi). Acupuncture stimulates certain points on the body that are connected through meridians (channels) and are associated with all the different organs. These points are used to regulate, balance or increase the flow of the body’s natural energy.